Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day One: The Journey Begins

Perhaps someone famous said it, and if they didn't, someone should. Anything that you feel you can't live without could be a stumbling block to a healthy life. And so it is that I begin this Lenten journey of giving up facebook for forty days. Do I have doubts that I can live without it? Absolutely! And the truth is, I'm nervous about it. How will I keep in touch with all of those newly essential people from my past? How will I communicate without (horrors!) picking up the phone and speaking directly to people? How will I make public my opinions on politics, church life, and American Idol?

It occured to me, after the decision to go AWOL from the facebook community for 6 weeks, that it might be interesting to explore how the change affects my daily living. Is it possible to drop a new communications technology and survive? Will there be a sense of reclaiming some of the old-school methods of reaching out to friends such as text messaging and email? Will I spend more quality time with my kids, or find a new escape?

Not to mention the spiritual implications. There'll be alot of empty space in my day. I spend alot of my free moments trolling the facebook seas looking for a friend or discussion or funny video someone posted. Anything to feel connected. What will my brain do with the radio silence? The hope in Lent is that we spend more time focused on God's love, our own humanity, and the awesome wonder that God actually wants to be in relationship with us.

So invite you to join me on this journey. Like all good journeys, I have no idea where it will ultimately lead, but I know God is my companion always.

Soli Deo Gloria


  1. Liz, I'm excited about this challenge you are taking on. I actually have another friend in Memphis who was CONSIDERING giving up Facebook for Lent, but as of Fat Tuesday "the jury was still out." I myself have tried to "give up" Facebook twice because of some boundaries issues. Wanted to leave just my phone, e-mail and hometown, but whenever I "deactivated" it erased everything, even my name. So I've stayed on FB under the excuse that it keeps me entertained. I still don't think it is ultimately very nourishing. A friend of mine described FB as being a very big, loud party, with many conversations (most of them completely superficial), and you can take the risk of joining in or staying alone against the wall. You've elected to leave the party and do something else. I'll bet you have more company than you think.

  2. Thanks so much! I have a friend who decided to give it up as well, and we actually exchanged phone numbers so we could talk about it if we needed to! It is turning out to be really interesting.

    I hear you on the boundaries issues. Facebook has been a source of fun for me, but also lots of pain. Folks say things on the internet that they would never say in person!

    Glad to be talking with you on here. :)

  3. What a sick, sick puppy you are. Leaving Facebook for a Blog about leaving Facebook. Sort of like: I'm giving up alcohol for Lent. I will, however, fill some of my emptiness by exploring the wonderful world of crystal meth.
    You're not thinking about making a movie out of all this, are you? (I'd like to play your husband)
